Localization is applied in translation work for web pages, video games and software. To locate a product or service, it is necessary to carry out modifications or adaptations in the original, in order to be able to market it in its target market.

Localization is not restricted only to the specialized translation of computer content, as it goes much further, and can be useful for video games, web pages, software, advertising, etc.
The predominant language in the videogames and software sector is English, so it is this language that is usually localized in to Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, etc.
Today, however, and also due to the rise of mobile telephony, Asian languages have gained importance, and, due to their complexity, localization to languages other than English is more complicated.
Our specialist localization translators, in addition to having a high level and experience in the translation sector, are familiar with the cultural aspects and customs of the countries whose languages they speak. All this, together with a method of documenting and contrasting the information, enables the final result to meet the specific requirements of each client.
In addition, our translators have a strong technological profile, which allows them to keep up to date with the latest computer developments, as well as carry out their work using the latest tools and equipment.

For more than ten years, numerous public and private organizations, as well as large, medium and small companies have trusted the Kameleon translation and interpretation team to help start off or grow their business or to internationalize their services.